Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tomato, Spinach & Cashew Dip

I am always on the lookout for healthy food ideas for our family

I recently tried this Tomato, Spinach & Cashew Dip  recipe 

Here's the dip I made

It is delicious. Full of flavour 

Our children love it too!!

It is yummy spread on 
Sun Rice ~ Rice & Grain Squares 'Wild Rice'  
topped with Ham and Salad

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Polishing ~ Copper, Brass and Silver jewellery

Last year, I bought this beautiful Tri-Metal Nested Necklace 

from Jessica Van Den at Epheriell

(I also own a ring and earrings from Jess too)

In recent months, my necklace has tarnished and looks like this. . .

{ Click the images for a closer look }

I was sad it had lost it's lustre

I cleaned it regularly with my silver jewellery cleaning cloth 

however, it didn't bring back the shine

I sent an email to Jess to ask for her advice

One of her suggestions was to use this polish

 I rubbed the paste onto the tri-circular part only (with my fingertips) 

for approx 5mins, then rinsed under a running tap 

and dried on a clean cloth

I used my silver jewellery cleaning cloth to clean the necklace chain

It was such a relief to see my necklace shiny again!! 

I will be using this polish method every 1-2mths
so my necklace doesn't tarnish again

Have a gorgeous weekend!